Thursday, December 23, 2010


While reminiscing on past relationships, I stumbled upon what I think is a really great philosophy as to why we (mostly talking about girls) fall in and out of love so quickly. It's average, but end's up being embarrassing when we declare we love this guy and he is just amazing, maybe even confessing potential marriage ideas. This tends to happen over and over. And usually, after awhile, you can't even remember why you dated a person or "loved" them. I believe this is because that person is fulfilling some sort of need and when your needs change or that person stops meeting those needs, you move on to someone who does. It feels like love because you feel fulfillment, and that tends to be the main characteristic of the "love feeling." I believe this is true of even married couples, and maybe why so many end up in divorce, because needs aren't being met.

The difference in all your boyfriends and the man you are to marry, is that, that man never stops meeting your needs. He adjusts and pays close attention to how full your love tank is and any sort of change. He is truly connected to you not only physically, but emotionally. That, I believe is the difference and what could save marriages if it were applied.

Guys, if you apply this to your wife, fiance, or girlfriend, she will (should) do the same thing in return. Human's are creatures of example, and she will follow your lead and want to become as good of a spouse as you are.

This what my philosophical moment for today =) lol

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shut your mouth.

In addition to my blog, I, like most, also have a facebook. As all facebook users know, you can make status', and are free to say whatever you wish. So, I did! And I used the abreviations Cmas for Christmas in a status update. Well, a man I don't even really know (who is a christian) comment's on it freaking out that I took Chrsit out of Christmas....Come on! There are children starving to death, women being raped and abused, families that won't even have a Christmas and all you care about it being the Christmas police? Grow up. First of all, I only use Cmas to help not affend christians with the whole Xmas thing. Eventhough X is Greek for Christ...anywho, what is the point in making a big deal about something SO silly!!! THIS attitude is what repel's potential followers of Christ away. Who wants anything to do with something that they are always wrong or will never be good enough? That's not what salvation in Jesus is about. Romans state's that we are to figure out our own faith by ourselves, and what might convict you isn't always a convition to someone else and it is not for you to judge them for it. It is a sin to you if you do not abide by your convictions, not everyone else you know. Christ is welcoming, you are repelling and standing in front of the door to many's salvation. You are preventing dozens from ever experiencing Gods love, grace, restoration, and gentle guiding hand. They will never be touched by Him if you pick at every little thing. It is not your place to tell anyone what to do, how to act, or what they should believe. It is only the right of God to judge someone.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Devo Share: Isaiah 3:13,-4

This should be short and sweet, but I really believe these verses apply to America more than ever. Therefore, I am going to replace Zion with America just to get the point accross.

13 -15God enters the courtroom.
   He takes his place at the bench to judge his people. God calls for order in the court,
   hauls the leaders of his people into the dock: "You've played havoc with this country.
   Your houses are stuffed with what you've stolen from the poor. What is this anyway? Stomping on my people,
   grinding the faces of the poor into the dirt?" That's what the Master,
   God-of-the-Angel-Armies, says.

When I read this, it made me picture a scene that possibly all of our representatives for every state and city as well as our lawers, officers, and judges might have to face on their day of judgement.....

   16 -17God says, "American women are stuck-up,
   prancing around in their high heels, Making eyes at all the men in the street,
   swinging their hips, Tossing their hair,
   gaudy and garish in cheap jewelry." The Master will fix it so those American women
   will all turn bald— Scabby, bald-headed women.
   The Master will do it.
   18 -23The time is coming when the Master will strip them of their fancy baubles—the dangling earrings, anklets and bracelets, combs and mirrors and silk scarves, diamond brooches and pearl necklaces, the rings on their fingers and the rings on their toes, the latest fashions in hats, exotic perfumes and aphrodisiacs, gowns and capes, all the world's finest in fabrics and design.
   24Instead of wearing seductive scents,
   these women are going to smell like rotting cabbages; Instead of modeling flowing gowns,
   they'll be sporting rags; Instead of their stylish hairdos,
   scruffy heads; Instead of beauty marks,
   scabs and scars.
I really feel that this verse was not written only for the women of Zion, but for every nation who's women become this. American women strive for sexyness. It's written all over us every moment of every day. We wear perfum to draw in (seduce) the men of our choice. We wear dark make up and revealing clothing to catch anyone's eye. Once we have men drooling and women jelous, that's when we feel accomplished. Generally speaking of course, not every woman is like this. This is our culture, and I believe it is our responsibility as Christian women to go against it and set an example. You can still get a smokin hot man w/o showing off your body, doing your hair every day, or trying to change yourself. I have known MANY men who find it much more attractive when a girl cover's up most of the time and it more reserved than flaunting themselves every day or most days. There is nothing to look forward to if you reveal the suprise! I belive that women, just as much as men, are responsible for the judgement America is recieving right now. Women are men's helpers, we hold them up. They depend on us no matter how big, strong, and independent they say they are or try to be, every good man has a good woman as his rock. He is the same for us, we need eachother. But if we act in this way, we are setting up our men to fall, be unfaithful, and to turn into the sex animals many are today. Men are visually stimulated and are like hound dogs when they get a scent, they take off. Some men are strong enough to resist this, but most aren't. I belive that if women acted the way they were suppose to, Americans would see our divorce rate go down.
   25 -26Your finest fighting men will be killed,
   your soldiers left dead on the battlefield. The entrance gate to America (New York) will be clotted
   with people mourning their dead— A city stooped under the weight of her loss,
   brought to her knees by her sorrows.

This is the consequence. Sound familiar already (Iraq and Afganistan) ?

1 That will be the day when seven women will gang up on one man, saying, "We'll take care of ourselves,
   get our own food and clothes. Just give us a child. Make us pregnant
   so we'll have something to live for!"

I believe that day is long and gone and we are living that out. I have been raised to be independent and taught to never really depend on a man and always be prepared to be self sufficent because the man you marry doesn't always stay that man. I believe that is true and something I have seen over and over, but I belive there is a balance. Yes, I do believe a woman should be independent, but not so she replaces the purpose of men. Men's purpose is to provide and protect, if we take those purposes away, he will leave. Men must  fill that role in order for them to feel accomplished and proud of themselves. That is key. Women should be independent in the ways of general life, what she eats, wears, says, believes, does in the communtiy, job, ect. But non of this should take away from women or man's true purpose. That, I believe, is a good balance. Women should not be controled, nothing should feel unnatural because it is automaticly programmed in us to play these roles.

The next set of verses are what I belive the promise we still have from God, and what would happen if we did make a change and return to him.
   2 -4And that's when God's Branch will sprout green and lush. The produce of the country will give American survivors something to be proud of again. Oh, they'll hold their heads high! Everyone left behind in Zion, all the discards and rejects in Jerusalem, will be reclassified as "holy"—alive and therefore precious. God will give American women a good bath. He'll scrub the bloodstained city of its violence and brutality, purge the place with a firestorm of judgment.
   5 -6Then God will bring back the ancient pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night and mark Mount Zion and everyone in it with his glorious presence, his immense, protective presence, shade from the burning sun and shelter from the driving rain.

This is so beautiful. Dispite everything, all the wrong doings and betrayal, God still wants to tenderly love us like a Father, picking up his son's and daughters to wipe the dirt from there clothes that they recieved from their fall. If we open our hearts, he will change and clean us. If we give him the reigns, he will lead us into prosperity. Day and night, he will be there. He will lead us, protect us, and comfort us. We will see him and be close to him 24/7. I absolutely love the thought of this. For America to return to what this country was first founded on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This is not a shove religion and bible verses down your throat blog, but rather one possibly challenging the christian faith as well as the church as a whole.

When most people think of Christians, they think of a group of people who reads a book called the Bible all the time and try to live by it as well as persuade others to also. What's the big deal about this book? It holds our instructions on how we are to act and how we are to live. God uses it to speak to us and teach us lessons that need to be taught. It also holds valid historical accounts, making it credible, and giving us interesting stories to read and receive from based upon personal interpretation in some places and simple absorbson in others. While I do see the bible as a very wonderful gift to man kind, I feel that the church has put far too much emphasis on it. What I mean by that is Christianity is not about the Bible. The bible is a tool, a hitch hikers guide to Jesus so to speak. It is not what being a Christian is though.

You may have heard this or read it in countless of Christians religion choice on facebook : "It's not a religion, it's a relationship." That is true, but do you understand what that really means? By definition it means:
"a connection, association, or involvement." Having a relationship with God is no different than the relationships we have on earth. THIS is what the church is missing. We treat God like this almighty smitter who sits on a throne and looks down upon us. "Now bow your heads" and every person will bow their head, fold their hands, and some even bend their knees. Have you ever spoken to your best friend in this manner? I highly doubt it. We are made in His image (Gen 1:26)! He has the same emotions as we do, He talks like we do, and He is no different than we are! (Except sin, we created that) Jesus (God) was just like every other human right? If anyone ever bowed down to Him, or treated Him how we treat God today, He did not like it! To have a relationship with God, you must treat Him like your best friend, your family, your spouse, no different than any other human. Talk to Him all day long, laugh with Him, joke with Him, and I promise after you get over the awkwardness, you will more than likely say that you have never felt so close to God and so happy. Treat this relationship no different than one you might have with a significant other. How do you feel if they don't talk to you much or at all in one day, or if they stopped spending time with you? I cannot speak for Him, but maybe that's how he feels.
This is what the church is missing. This is why so many go astray once they leave church and their families for college or career. It's because they do not have a relationship with Christ. Reading your bible every day will not get you into heaven. Good deeds will not grant you a seat next to Jesus. I often wonder if even those who strictly obey His word, standards of living set by the bible, will experience heaven if they do not hold the relationship aspect. After all, God says that He will even send those who perform miracles and cast out demons in His name because He "never knew them." (Matt 7:23)
Having a relationship with God is more important than anything. It means nothing to read your bible every day if you are only doing it because your pastor or church mentor told you to do so. We must look at devotions, worship, and church as a whole in a different way. Think of how you get close with someone you really like (romantically). You spend quality time with them! You set time aside to get to know that person better and because you like their company. This can be done as equally easy as spending time with someone you really like. Think of devotions, reading your bible or a christian aid (pretty much anything in LifeWay book store, books, movies, music etc.) as like your "date" with Him. When something happens, whether funny, sad, threatening, etc., tell Him. You will find yourself laughing more often and it will only become easier and easier.
As far as Sunday morning church, church is a place where fellow believers can come to fellowship and lift each other up in their faith. It should be a place where you can ask tough questions and talk about the things you are struggling with. It is a place where we give God praise, not a place where we judge who the best christian is. God is the judge of that, only he can see your heart. I am sorry, but if I can predict exactly when someone is going to do something with a count down and always be right, it's not sincere. God does not acknowledge that and I bet it only makes Him sick. You don't need to always lift your hands during worship, appear to be praying, or get on your knees and cry for God to see you or for you to be a "good christian." Be sincere, if it become a habitual for you to do something then stop. Humans always feel like they must move and do something, especially in the busy world we live in where nothing is fast enough. If you are compelled, that is God. If you can't stand to not raise your hands or fall on your knees crying in prayer, that's God. I'm so sick of playing church and watching everyone else just simply go along with it. As Christians, WE are the church. Not a building. I do not have to go to a particular building, sit in a particular chair, listen to a particular person, and wear particular things to be a good christian and to be a part of a "church." Church is where ever you are. When I am hanging out with my friends who are Christians and we are enjoying one anothers company and conversation, that is church.
Christianity has become too political. Where is the freedom? Being a Christian already isn't the easiest thing, and churches aren't making it any easier. The message needs to change, it's time for a revolution.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Victim of the Fashion Media

I am writing this following the nationally televised Victoria's Secret fashion show. At the moment, I feel terribly ugly and hopelessly fat. Why do we (women) allow the media to control how we feel about our looks? Who are they to say what's beautiful and what's not?! Everyone knows that being so thin is unhealthy, and the actuality of most women being a size 2 or 4 is slim to none, yet we obsess over it. Women kill themselves trying to look like every woman on every advertisement in our favorite magazines and it's wrong. I wish that I could say I have made complete body peace with myself, but I would be lying. I have some days that I am completely happy with my body, and others that I want to go to Walgreens and load up on laxatives until I reach my unhealthy goal of 115-120. I am fully aware that at my height of 5'5, that weight is under weight and highly unhealthy, yet I want nothing more than to be that size. It is sad that I am willing to take drastic measures to weigh the magical number of 115. I have tried hydroxycut, no carb diet, slim fast, great amounts of cardio, and I have an Acai weight loss supplement coming in the mail. What is happening to us?! I know for a fact I am not the only one. Ladies, we have got to stop it. Everyone is beautiful and every woman has a special quality about her that makes her especially gorgeous. I feel rather distressed about this right now and don't really know what to do, but it's just really sad how much power the media has over me and most women.