Friday, January 6, 2012

Inside Every Pimp's 'Hoe'

I have been reading about pimp’s lately and this issue of their ‘hoes’ choosing that lifestyle baffles me. Who in their right mind would want to have sex dozens of times a day for a profit they rarely ever see? The thing is, they aren’t in a healthy mind set. Pimps will even tell you that hoe’s have all be abused; raped, beaten by men, unloved and left by their fathers and/or boyfriends. To understand what that does to a woman you first must understand the needs of a girl.

Beyond basic needs, I believe every child needs stability, love, and the presence and involvement of their parents. Little girls though need to be delighted in. Why else do you think little girls are attracted to bright colors, sparkles, and anything that will make them stand out? They want to be noticed. They want to be lovely and beautiful. Little girls spin and twirl for their daddies, looking in anticipation for a response of adoration, love, and delight. I don’t believe this ever changes at any point in a woman’s life.

What happens when little girls don’t receive the reaction they crave from their fathers, and boyfriends later on, they can’t help but wonder ‘there must be something wrong with me.’ Right there is where the source of the loss of confidence and value for ourselves start. Unless she meets a man who can give her what she needs, out of love, not selfishness.

The girls that grow up without their needs being met, or having an event occur that compromises it, like rape, require more love than those who had their emotional needs met. They have been starved, and just like anyone who is starved, they require special care. Pimps know that. They know that these girls crave attention, love, and care. Women with these kinds of needs are so desperate for it, they will latch onto someone who they think will give it to them. That’s why pimps give them what they need because they know if they give them a little, they will get a lot from her loyalty to him. I once interviewed and ex club owner/pimp who said, “You give them the world, then take it away” when asked how he got girls to work for him. He could go to a restaurant and just from being around a girl for a few hours he could tell what her needs were, leave her with a proposition, and within a week she would be working for him. You cannot tell me that she isn’t desperate for love, attention, adoration, and needing to be delighted in. She is so hurt, but she still somehow has enough hope to search for what she needs. Unfortunately many of these women try to quench their thirst in the arms of a pimp. She doesn’t choose to be a pimp’s bitch, she thinks she is choosing for all her emotional needs to be met. Imagine the relief and the joy she must feel. She is so hungry that the little she gets from a pimp, very little, and the competition with the other girls to get his attention is what drives her. The girls don’t do it for the sex, they do it for the 5 minutes of attention they may get every so often from a pimp who is proud of her because of the profit she has brought in.  

I know that these girls don’t want to do this, we are not designed for that. Pimps know that their girls don’t enjoy the sex at all, they are there for his attention, ‘love,’ and are fighting to be delighted in.