Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Where is God?

I think everyone eventually asks this theological question when in the face of injustice. We believe He is a just God, a God of love, but then something horrific happens to you or someone you know. Suddenly that picture of Him riding on a white horse with Justice at His hand, becomes very fuzzy.

My mission in life is to stop human trafficking in America. I have been on this mission for two years, and it drives my life. I finally came to this point of "God, where are you in this?" about three weeks ago. (I find it strange that I have never asked this before)

Three weeks ago, I got the news from a mutual friend that is buddy's sister and her friend were kidnapped while on a missions trip to Somalia. Knowing what I know about the sex trade, my heart instantly shattered and I pleaded their case before my Father for the next 2 hours. I am still grieving and I think about them every single day. It was in this time of prayer and pleading for their rescue that I just asked Him, "where are you in this?"

I reached out to some trusted people to get their take, because I had no answer. I was not angry, but I was worried that I couldn't come up with anything, knowing that surely one day someone is going to ask me this very thing.  I did finally come to a realization a few days later, and this is how I personally feel about it.

Human Trafficking is a consequence. It is a consequence of our sex society and the many sexual messages we get bombarded with every few minutes. We market on it, we are obsessed with it. And because men are visually stimulated, this effects them far more than women. It is right here were the demand starts and the consequences begin.

Deeper than that, is simply the consequence of sin. When Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit, the earth became Satan's stomping ground, and that is exactly what he does. He stomps on and squashes people. That is why there is so much evil in the world. It is Satan, not God. It is not an issue of "why does God allow this?" but rather an issue of owning up to what happened and accepting it. God sees everything that goes on, and I know that he cries every time one of His babies is raped. I know he hurts with us. Yet, that question still remains "why?" It does not happen because God will's it, wants to test us, or wants us to suffer for any wrongs we have done. Yet we buy into that not realizing it is the devil whispering that into our ear. It is the devils will, "he is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.(1 Peter 5:8)" This is how God counteracts that by working all things for our good (Romans 8:28). He blesses us for enduring, and turns the bad into good. There are things that have happened to me and I would never change them as awful as it was because I would not be the person I am today with the same capabilities and gifts.

But where is the justice? God is a just God and all this injustice is happening?!! He is a just God, but He is a gracious God first.

If God were a just God first, we would all be bound to hell when we died because that would mean anything we ever did would not be forgiven and punished. We would all be living in suffering if God was only a just God. Instead he shows us grace, compassion, love, and understanding first. It is in those things we find his forgiveness, restoration, and vision. God does not rank sins like we do in our court systems when someone goes to trial for a crime. Lying is the same as murder. It is hard to have understanding for them, but those who do the most terrible things to people deserve Christ's grace just as we do. We are no better than them.

God is there, and He loves you. I so look forward to leaving this hell run earth to a perfect home with my loving Father. But until then, I am so thankful that I have his light in this dark world to give me hope knowing that something can be done, and he does care greatly. But he is not responsible for the evil on this planet and what his son's and daughters choose to do with their free will.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Lexie. Many Christians face this very same question on a day to day basis based upon struggles that they may face. In order for God to be God he has to let Satan have his way and we have to seek out God for ourselves. It is a test in itself that allows us to pursue Him, grow towards Him, and to depend on Him. We were never garaunteed that God would make things easier; it only says that he would always be with us through everything we do and where ever we go. Life is all about free will so our hearts can be tested to validate our relationship with Christ in depending on our faith to get us through this horrible life. Great post in being transparent with your emotions. So many people go through this same type of situation every single day. Awesome testimony :)
